Yes, I am blessed with six beautiful boys (and one very handsome husband) in my life. And I love each and every one of them. But this last year, 2010, was the "Year of Joe".
It all started in the lovely month of June, when our beautiful baby Joe was born. You see, Joseph aka Joe is the only boy shared by both my husband and I. We united in marriage, each bringing our own children, back in 2007. Me with my three, he with his two. All boys.
So Joe, little sweet lovable baby Joe, he is the tie that binds. He is the link that connects two families. He does not realize what an important role he plays-- nor would we ever tell him.
And how did Joe get his name? Ahhh, that's a great story. An old story. You might know it... Jacob and Rachael had many sons. Their youngest was Joseph. Sound familiar? Hint: You'll find it in the book of Genesis. It is such a wonderful story. I won't give away the whole plot (really, you need to read it!), but I will tell you that towards the very end, Joseph-- who hadn't exactly been treated in the kindest way by his brothers-- very lovingly, very unselfishly, very forgivingly (is that a word?) said to those that wronged him "You meant it for bad, but God meant it for good." Oh, I love it! Joseph was a beautiful, Godly man.
And speaking of the story of Joseph, my husband and I made the trip to the Ordway to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat for our self-gifted Christmas present in 2010. Again, a wonderful story and a beautiful production. It's the second time I've seen the musical. The first time was when Donny Osmond played Joseph. That's when I fell in love with the music.
Finally, 2010 was when my hubby and I decided to let God lead us toward owning our own business, our FIRST ever business, of Everday Joe- -a coffeeshop and cafe. It's been a dream of ours, but honestly we never thought it would be a reality. But God has this funny way of showing us HE is in control-- not us. That theme certainly has played out many times in my life.
So maybe next year I'll call myself L's mama, or A's mama. You never know where God will lead you!