Thursday, January 27, 2011

Well this really socks!

Yesterday my time was filled with various home-maker tasks.  Baking Snickerdoodles, vacuuming, washing dishes and the ever so dreadful SOCK MATCHING.  Yes, it's a chore I do so adore (sorry about the rhyme!) At one point I had over 40 socks that were missing their mate-for-life.  It's inevitable that one lonely stocking is left alone as the other is discarded for various reasons-- a hole in the heel or toe, wore out on the bottoms, held together by only a few threads (yes, my children keep on wearing them in this condition until I finally have to demand they put the sock to rest!).

But alas, I am stuck with only one sock of each type.  And of course I cannot throw out the one sock.  Maybe its mate is out there somewhere?  Hiding beneath a child's bed, discarded on the bathroom floor, or even worse-- FALLEN BEHIND THE CLOTHES WASHER!!! 
Is this a sickness I have? (Not being able to throw away single socks)  Do I need help?  Is there a 12-step program for people like me?  Is there any hope? Will the Packers win over the Steelers? (had to throw that in there).
Yes, I believe there is hope.  In the form of a craft.  Yes, I said a craft.  I ordered not one, but TWO books that address just such an issue. 
I can't wait to make these adorable little guys!  I have found my cure!

PS-- When you have one single sock laying in the middle of your living room floor, do you find everyone in your house ignores it and walks around it?  Just curious if my household is the only one with this issue.


  1. I love it! I have a few bags of socks without their mate. Some I have turned into dust cloths but I like the books of sock creations better! Have fun with it! :)

  2. I think some of your socks have escaped to our house, do you have some of ours?
