Sunday, May 20, 2012

Stray Sheep

Several months ago (maybe even a year or more??) I started to attend my church less often.  At first it was because I was too terribly exhausted-- running the coffee shop and playing the role of "single mom" left little mental or physical energy left.  Something had to give.  Well, in hindsight, several things were compromised. 

One very large compromise I made was that I attended church less.  Not just the Sunday morning service. No, I completely stopped going to Adult Bible Study (ABS), which meant my children no longer attended Sunday School.  Wednesday night Awana and bible study?  Forget it. Fellowship at "extracurricular" church events?  Hardly. Quiet time reading scripture?  Not a chance.

Was I that busy?  Well, maybe at first.  But as I look back, I realize I began to detach myself from my church all on my own.  I'd find myself thinking 'maybe I should start looking for a new church', 'nobody even notices that I'm not attending-- I guess they don't care', 'they are all too clicky-- no wonder I don't feel a connection'.  Easy to have these thoughts when you're not attending on a regular basis and letting your relationship with the Lord slip away!!

Since the coffee shop closed, I've had time to think about this process.  And time (thank you!) to realize that the sheep does best with its flock and shepherd. I must get back to my flock. I strayed a little bit too far and evil took advantage of that, creeping in and trying to tell me that I was on the right track. 

It's soooo important to stay connected with other Christians, keep in the word and attend worship service-- this allows the Lord easier access to your heart and guides you in the right direction in every other area of your life!

PS-- sheep are one of my favorite animals. Baaaa!

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